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Book A FREE Home Care Assessment

Everycare provide a free, no obligation home care assessment undertaken by an experienced member of our home care support team.

By undertaking a visit to your home we are able to undertake a comprehensive assessment of your personal home care needs.

As a result of carrying out this FREE home care assessment we will have a complete understanding of the personal home care support you require.

It also gives you an excellent opportunity to ask any questions or cover any concerns you may have with regard to your personal care requirements.

Click here now to apply for your free assessment.

High Quality Home Care and Nursing Services

We are actively recruiting.

Whilst we are taking all government advice and ensuring our staff and service users, families and community are as safe as they can be with all possible measures in place, we have also got to make sure we have ample staff to work with us whilst those who cannot – who are maybe self isolating or showing symptoms. Therefore, we are strongly recruiting for the domiciliary care department, the care homes and nanny department. All have availability now, in the medium term and potentially also long term.

Please email with a CV, and an idea of hours you are available.

Everycare is a well-established private health and social care organisation that has been helping to improve the quality of life for people with care needs since 1993.

Everycare provides (via a network of over 20 UK wide regional offices), a range of health, social care and nursing services for individuals requiring personal home care and organisations looking for nursing support. Everycare significantly improves the quality of life for people with health and social care needs in all environments.

For more information on our home care services or specialist nursing services contact your local Everycare regional office today.

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