Residential Care Services – The Lodges Care Homes in Roath Park, Cardiff

The owners of Everycare Cardiff , Rob and Mary Cottrell have been providing the highest quality residential care in The Lodges care home in Cardiff , for both the elderly and those with age related mental health challenges, for over 30 years.
During this time we have established a reputation for consistently and positively improving the lives of our residents in so many ways. Life in the Lodges is a really enjoyable experience. The company of others, laughter, activities, unrestricted visiting and being accommodated in such a lovely environment close to the beautiful Roath Park, together with excellent food and personal care all contribute to making daily living in The Lodges a thoroughly pleasurable experience.
The Lodges is a small, family-run organization providing a luxurious standard of residential care for our residents in relatively small settings with a distinctly “non institutional” feel and a great location.
We continually work in partnership with friends and relatives of our residents to access information that will assist us in providing the most appropriate forms of care. All our care plans are developed after full consultation with the resident, their family, friends and appropriate health and social care professionals.
Our staff group is exceptionally well trained and committed to promoting the culture of excellence that the homes have become known for. Many of the staff group have been working with us for nearly twenty years. They provide a professional level of “individual person centred care” based on personal life history, in a relaxed way, with the continuous emphasis on the maintenance of privacy and dignity whilst simultaneously promoting the independence and rehabilitation of all our residents.
The home has achieved the Investors In People award and we have accreditation with Sterling University as a provider of specialist dementia care.
For more information about The Lodges Care Homes please visit the website