Everycare Mid Sussex – Care Training Services

The importance of staff training within the Everycare Mid Sussex care team.
Everycare Mid Sussex place a major emphasis on the training of our care team, ensuring that our corporate objective to provide the very highest standard of home care services is achieved in both home care and nursing environments.
All our care staff and prospective care employees are assessed ensuring that their training needs are evaluated fully and updated as required.
The Everycare training schedule for staff includes :
Pre-employment training
Before starting any work with us all experienced staff will have received updated training on the following topics:
- Moving and handling guidelines and regulations
- Compassion in the care setting
- Safeguarding adults in care
- Equality and diversity policy implementation
- Principles of risk assessment and implementation
- Fire safety and control
- Infection control and monitoring
- Medication
- Mental Capacity Act
- Health and safety (including COSHH and RIDDOR)
- Deprivation of liberty
- Managing challenging behaviour in care
- Abuse and neglect issues
- Safe food management and handling
- Basic life support and first aid training
- Lone worker training
- Dementia care
- Alzheimer awareness
- Record keeping
- Report writing
Individuals who are starting a career as a home care worker undertake at least 5 days of training, including work shadowing and covering the following 8 common induction standards:
The role of the Everycare Home care and social care worker
- Personal development skills
- Effective communication skills
- Equality and inclusion policy implementation
- Principles for implementing duty of care
- Principles of safeguarding in health and social care
- Person-centred support
- Health and safety in an adult social care setting
On-going update training
Everycare staff as a matter of course receive training to update their knowledge and care skills across a range of subjects. This includes:
- Moving and handling
- Fire safety
- Infection control and monitoring
- Medication
- Mental Capacity Act
- Health and safety (including COSHH and RIDDOR)
- Deprivation of liberty
- Managing challenging behaviour
- Abuse and neglect
- Safe food handling
- Basic life support and first aid training
- Lone worker training
Examples of further in-house specialist training provided to Everycare care staff.
- Stroke awareness
- Rituals and cultures
- Palliative care
- Bereavement and counselling
- Diabetes awareness
- Epilepsy awareness
- Malnutrition, diet and nutrition
- Mental health issues
Everycare encourages all our employees to undertake an active personal development plan and in particular encourages them to work towards their NQF (National Quality Framework – replacing NVQs) and to also attend external training courses to continually update and renew their care skills and knowledge.