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Dementia, sleep better…stay healthy!

Home care services Everycare UKThe two most feared diseases throughout developed nations are dementia and cancer. Both are related to inadequate sleep.

But it is also becoming recognised as a key lifestyle factor determining whether or not you will develop Alzheimer’s disease.

Sleep quality — especially that of deep, NREM or non-rapid eye movement sleep, which is the sleep we have in the first part of the night — naturally deteriorates as we age, which is linked to a decline in memory.

However, if you assess a patient with Alzheimer’s disease, the disruption of deep sleep is far more exaggerated. More telling, perhaps, is the fact that sleep disturbance precedes the onset of Alzheimer’s by several years, suggesting that it may be an early warning sign of the condition, or even a contributor to it.

For more visit the Daily Mail website

Dementia – What are the symptoms?

Home care services Everycare UKThe symptoms of dementia can include:

Memory problems – People with dementia might have problems retaining new information. They might  get lost in previously familiar places and may struggle with names. Relatives might notice the person seems increasingly forgetful, misplacing things regularly. However, we all forget a name or face once in a while and this is nothing to worry about. If it happens on a frequent basis, it’s advisable to visit the GP who can check why this may be happening.

Cognitive ability, i.e. processing information – People with dementia may have difficulty with time and place, for example, getting up in the middle of the night to go to work, even though they’re retired. Also their concentration could be affected. There may be a difficulty when shopping with choosing the items and then paying for them. For some people with dementia the ability to reason and make decisions may also be affected. Some people with dementia get a sense of restlessness and prefer to keep moving than sit still; others may be reluctant to take part in activities they used to enjoy.

Communication – People with dementia may repeat themselves often or have difficulty finding the right words. Reading and writing might become challenging. They might experience changes in personality and behaviour, mood swings, anxiety and depression.  People with dementia can lose interest in seeing others socially. Following and engaging in conversation can be difficult and tiring, and so a formerly outgoing person might become quieter and more introverted. Their self-confidence might be affected.

Dementia can be seen as a combination of one, or all of the above symptoms. If you or someone you know is experiencing one or more of these symptoms, which have been occurring for a while and are progressively getting worse, then please arrange a visit to the GP. There are many other reasons someone might be experiencing confusion or memory problems, so it is best to get them checked out and treated if necessary.

To find out more please visit the Dementia UK website.

Dementia signs and symptoms

Home care services Everycare UKDementia signs and symptoms include memory loss, a poor ability to concentrate and getting confused in familiar places.

Types of the condition include vascular dementia, Alzheimer’s disease dementia with lewy bodies.

Your risk of developing the condition increases as you get older.

You may be able to reduce this, however, if you change your lifestyle and diet to start doing certain exercises.

Doing some brisk walking for 150 minutes a week could help reduce your risk of developing the condition, according to the Alzheimer’s Society.

To read more visit The Express website

How to reconnect with your family – when living with dementia

More and more people are being diagnosed with dementia which makes it one of the greatest health issues of our time.

How dementia affects relationships

A diagnosis of dementia can change the dynamics of a relationship. The person with dementia may become more dependent on their partner or children for example. This may be particularly challenging due to the way it changes the roles and relationships within the family. The family may also become less open about dementia and the effects it is having not just amongst themselves, but with friends too. These relationships can further become strained as the person with dementia may start to lose memories, have a change in personality or behaviour and ability to communicate. There is however support available to families to help them face the difficulties they may experience due to the effects of dementia.

Ways to improve family connection

Dementia is a progressive condition and the way it presents in people can be complex and unpredictable. Families need to understand that they are never alone in living with dementia and there is always someone they can turn to.

To read more visit Health Awareness website