Latest News from Everycare
Whether you’re feeling depressed, or just a little anxious, getting out in the garden can make a world of difference for you.
A survey of 289 gardeners conducted by The Conversation found that gardening improved self-esteem and reduced feelings of tension, depression and anger. By becoming more ‘present’ and being in the moment, you can calm your anxious mind. Toiling in the garden can also allow you to become more aware of your senses, which can be very restorative.
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The Winchester branch of Everycare is holding a “speed dating event” providing attendees the opportunity to meet new people and create friendships while enjoying tea, coffee and cake.
Mike Frizzell, managing director of the national care firm, said: “Everycare recognise that having an active social life helps to keep you healthy and stimulated and this is especially important for those over 65 who might find themselves less integrated into the community after retiring from work.
“We wanted to bring back the opportunity to meet like-minded individuals in the community, but putting a young twist on it. After all, we always feel the same age on the inside.”
The speed dating event will be held at the Winchester Discovery Centre on Wednesday, March 18, from 1pm-3pm. No invitations required just come along and have some fun.
More details can be found on the Southern Daily Echo website.
Everycare Central Hants have joined forces with five other care companies in Hampshire and have successfully got onto the Hampshire County Council Framework for supplying care at home. We have combined under the name Wand Care.
The new Care at Home service is being introduced from the 1st April 2015 and will bring in the requirements of the Care Act 2014. There is more emphasis on helping people to do more for themselves and to move away from time and task to a person centred approach with specific outcomes for the client.
The Care Act 2014 also allows for carers themselves to have needs assessments to address the issues they have with looking after their loved ones.
In addition to Care at Home, Wand Care are, also, tendering for the Care of Victim Service in Hampshire and the Isle of Wight. We, also, plan to work together for further opportunities to work across Hampshire in a cohesive way without losing the identity of the individual consortium members.
Everycare in Winchester are pleased to announce that they are now providing 24 hour Live-in Care in Hampshire and Wiltshire. The service will be managed from our office in Winchester in Central Hampshire.
24 hour live-in care enables people to stay in their own homes in familiar surroundings usually to avoid having to go into a care home. 24 hour live-in care is suitable for people living on their own or for people still living with their partner. The only requirement is that you have a spare private bedroom that the live-in care worker can sleep in and have private space in.
Everycare are limiting their service to Hampshire and Wiltshire because this ensures that we can regularly visit the client and the assigned live-in care worker to ensure that the quality of service is maintained. Many other agencies supply their live-in care workers from offices a long way away so there is minimal supervision of the staff, this will not happen with Everycare.
All live-in care workers are directly employed by Everycare and are “criminal records” checked and properly referenced.
You can expect a high quality service from the 24 hour live-in care supplied by Everycare.
If you want to know more about our new 24 hour live-in care service than give us a call on 01962 842548.