Latest News from Everycare

We are Proud to be Finalists of the Home Care Awards for 2025

We are excited to announce that Everycare Central Hampshire are finalists in the Home Care Awards 2025.

Being named a Finalist for the Home Care Awards is an incredible achievement that reflects the dedication, hard work, and exceptional service of the company in the home care industry.

As a Finalist, the company have earned the trust and admiration of our peers and clients. Being recognised for such a prestigious award shows our unwavering commitment to quality, care, and innovation.


Everycare Central Hampshire Celebrates Becoming An Employee-Owned Trust

THE TEAM behind a care company helping individuals in the Winchester area, are now running the business through an employee-owned trust.

Everycare (Central & Hants) Ltd was set up by entrepreneur Mike Frizzell back in 2010. Mike, who had been a finance director in several roles, decided to run his own business after being made redundant in his 50s.

“For me, running a franchise under the umbrella of Everycare UK was a common sense option as I didn’t have a ‘big business idea’ of my own. Initially a friend joined me in the business and we employed a care manager to bring in that important sector knowledge,” Mike, who lives in the Sutton Scotney area, said.

Once the business was registered by the CQC (the Care Quality Commission) the small team began to offer live-in care and domiciliary care in the Winchester area. Over the last 14 years the business has grown and developed a strong reputation for good care in the area. Today the team is made up of six office staff who manage operations and 50 carers who are out delivering high quality care in the community.

However, several months ago, Mike, now 66, made the decision that it was time to start planning his exit from the company.

“I wanted to start to move away and spend time doing other things that I enjoy. I’m a very practical and active person. I enjoy orienteering and already take part in that hobby on a weekly basis and would like to do more of it. I enjoy gardening and have designed and landscaped my own garden but I need to catch up on those important tasks in the garden.

“Also next year, I want to free up time to support my daughter as she builds her own business as a qualified nutritional therapist – and she will be supporting many of her clients online. I plan to learn about digital marketing as well as keeping a handle on the finances when she launches her consultancy in 2025.”

Mike opted for an employee-owned trust which allowed the team to take over the business, and allowed Mike to gradually exit the business while receiving a tax efficient, financial settlement for the years he put in to build the company. It also met with approval from the owner of the Everycare UK franchise.

“It was a solution which also supported our clients who would not be aware of any changes in the everyday operation of the business and therefore there would be no anxiety or worry for them. It also supported the team and gave them confidence to know that their future is in their hands,” Mike said.

Karen Whitmill, care manager, said: “I see the EOT as a great opportunity and we are all looking forward to making the business grow through employee cooperation.”

Today Everycare (Central & Hants) Ltd is run by a board of trustees after working with employee-owned trust expert Chris Maslin, of Go EO.

He said: “It’s been a privilege to work with the team to help them transition to a new and bright future for this caring business which supports many vulnerable people in the community.

“It worked very well also for this type of franchise business model by creating a smooth transition to a new ‘group of owners’ who already know the business inside and out.”

This story was reported in SME TODAY  – CLICK HERE

See you at Fitfest in Winchester

We are delighted to announce that we will be attending Fitfest on the 29th October at The Nutshell in Winchester.

If you are over 65 and struggling to find a fitness or exercise routine that suits you, then Fitfest is the place to be. Fitfest gives you the opportunity to trial different fitness and exercise options and provides an excellent way to socialise whilst doing a fitness activity.

Meet fitness exhibitors, including personal trainers, fitness clubs and other health experts.

Fitfest is FREE for everyone.

We look forward to seeing you.

Sepsis – Every Second Counts

What is Sepsis?

Sepsis is a life-threatening medical emergency caused by the body’s overwhelming response to an infection. Sepsis develops when an existing infection triggers an extreme immune system response in the body. The body responds by releasing proteins and other chemicals to fight it. Sepsis occurs when this response gets out of control, triggering extensive inflammation. Severe sepsis can lead to septic shock, a medical emergency and without urgent treatment, it can be fatal.

Stages of Sepsis 

There are 3 stages of Sepsis – see flow chart opposite:

Sepsis Symptoms

It’s possible to mistake the symptoms above for those of another condition, like?pneumonia, COVID-19, or cancer. 

In addition, sepsis symptoms can be particularly hard to identify in infants, children, and people with: 

  • communication challenges 
  • learning disabilities 
  • dementia 

It’s best to seek medical assistance right away if you suspect sepsis. A health professional can examine you or the person you care for to make a diagnosis.

Who does sepsis affect? 

Sepsis can affect anyone, but people with any kind of infection, especially bacteraemia, are at a particularly high risk. 

Other people who are at a high risk include: 

  • People older than 65 years old,?new borns?and infants, and pregnant people. 
  • People with medical conditions such as?diabetes,?obesity,?cancer?and?kidney disease. 
  • People with weakened immune systems. 
  • People who are in the hospital for other medical reasons. 
  • People with severe injuries, such as large?burns?or wounds 
  • People with weaker immune systems, including people with?HIV?or those undergoing chemotherapy treatment for cancer 
  • People in intensive care units (ICUs)  
  • People exposed to invasive devices, like intravenous catheters or breathing tubes 

Treatment for sepsis 

Sepsis needs treatment in hospital straight away because it can get worse quickly. 

You should get antibiotics within 1 hour of arriving at hospital. 

If sepsis is not treated early, it can turn into septic shock and cause your organs to fail. This is life threatening. 

You may need other tests or treatments depending on your symptoms, including: 

  • treatment in an intensive care unit 
  • a machine to help you breathe (ventilator) 
  • surgery to remove areas of infection 
  • You may need to stay in hospital for several weeks. 

Recovering from sepsis 

Most people make a full recovery from sepsis. But it can take time. 

You might continue to have physical and emotional symptoms. These can last for months, or even years, after you had sepsis. 

These long-term effects are sometimes called post-sepsis syndrome, and can include: 

  • feeling very tired and weak, and difficulty sleeping 
  • lack of appetite 
  • getting ill more often 
  • changes in your mood, or anxiety or depression 
  • nightmares or flashbacks 
  • post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) 


  • ask your work about changes to your working hours or conditions while you’re recovering 
  • do some gentle easy exercises to build your strength (see 
  • get regular rest and sleep 
  • try to prevent infections – for example, by washing your hands regularly 
  • try to eat little and often if you have a small appetite 


  • do not try to rush your recovery – give yourself time