Personal Independence Payment (PIP)

Personal Independence Payment, also known as PIP, is a benefit available to people who have a long-term health condition or disability. It is intended to help cover the extra costs that people can face due to the impact of their condition.

There are two components to PIP:

  • Daily Living component
  • Mobility component

If you are eligible for PIP, how much you receive will be based on which component is most relevant to you and your needs.

The Daily Living component is aimed at people who require additional assistance in everyday life such as with eating and drinking, washing and other personal tasks, communicating with others or handling money, for example.

The Mobility component is based on providing assistance to those who find it difficult to get out and about due to their condition. This could be because they need physical help when outside of their home or require assistance with planning a trip, for example.

To find out more and to find out the rates for 2024 – click here