General election 2019: Plan to attract more NHS staff from abroad
The Conservatives say they will make it easier for doctors and nurses from around the world to work in the UK after Brexit, if they win the election.
The party would introduce an “NHS visa” as part of a promised “points-based immigration system”.
But Labour said the policy was “full of holes,” with nothing to say about low-paid nurses and other hospital staff.
And the Royal College of Nursing said “more ambitious” plans were needed to address NHS staffing shortages.
The Conservatives plan to end free movement of workers from EU countries when the UK leaves the EU – something they have promised will happen on 31 January if they are returned to power on 12 December.
The party would introduce a “points-based system” for migrant workers from EU and non-EU countries.
It has yet to spell out in detail how this will work – but it has announced that extra points will be awarded for coming to work in the NHS.
To read the full story visit the BBC website.