Everycare Edinburgh quality of care rated VERY GOOD
Everycare Edinburgh is delighted to announce that, after a particularly rigorous unannounced inspection, The Care Inspectorate has assessed our quality of management as GOOD, our quality of staffing as GOOD and our quality of Care as VERY GOOD!
Thanks to everyone on the team for all the hard work and dedication shown…all of you are superstars!
Additional feedback received from the regulator in relation to their recent client survey revealed that:
- 100% of our clients are happy with the care and support we provide.
- 100% of our clients believe our team have the skills required to do their job
- 100% of our clients believe that our staff treat them with dignity and respect
- 100% of our clients consider that our staff have enough time to perform all the tasks required of them
This is fantastic feedback and is testament to the dedicated team that we have, both in the office and out in the field.