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Demand for home care on the rise

Demand for home care has risen over recent years, with an increasing number of people choosing to receive care and support in their own homes, so they can stay living independently in familiar surroundings.

Over a million disabled and older people in the UK receive support and care at home, getting help with washing and dressing, taking medication and preparing drinks and meals.

People who are less mobile due to illness, a disability or age can become hidden from society so their home care worker can play a crucial role in keeping them both mentally and physically well.

If your looking for help with home care for a loved one – please call us today.

A quarter of older people keep their falls secret from family

More than a quarter of elderly people have kept a fall they had at home a secret from family and friends (26 per cent), with some believing they can deal with care issues themselves and others not wanting to admit they’re getting older or be labelled ‘vulnerable’.

A study of 2,000 people aged 65+, commissioned by the Connected Care Platform provider Anthropos, were asked why they kept it secret, with 26 per cent saying they can deal with any care issue themselves, 16 per cent don’t want to be labelled ‘vulnerable’ and 18 per cent don’t want to acknowledge they’re getting older.

Almost a third (29 per cent) of people aged 65+ have hidden their need for any type of care support from loved ones.

To read the full story visit

What to expect when you start receiving home care

Getting home care is a big step in anyone’s life, but you’ll soon reap the benefits of the extra care and support you’ll receive.

People seek home care for a number of different reasons, they may be elderly, disabled, have medical needs or have mental health problems.

When you start receiving home care, life will be a little different.

Adjustments to your home

Once you have had your care needs assessment and have decided on your budget, the home care team or agency will discuss with you what times of the day you’d like support and any adjustments to your home that may be needed to enable care workers to help you.

Home adaptations

Your needs assessment may highlight that you would benefit from adaptations to your home that will help you to be safer and have more independence. These adaptations could include handrails, a stairlift, a walk-in shower or even installing a lift.

For more information visit