A third of councils in England are facing cuts in Government funding

A third of councils in England are facing cuts in Government funding and may have to slash spending on social care, Andy Burnham has said.

The former health secretary, who is now Labour’s candidate for Mayor of Greater Manchester, claimed government ministers had “misled” the public after promising new money for social care.

The Government has diverted money that was previously used to incentivise councils to build new homes to instead help fund adult social care.

But Mr Burnham said 57 local authorities will lose more than they gain from the changes – a third of all the councils in England that provide social care. In total, local authorities will lose £40 million from the changes, Mr Burnham claimed.

The London borough of Tower Hamlets will receive the biggest cut – losing £3.4 million next financial year as a result of the changes. Salford, Westminster, Milton Keynes, Islington and Southwark will all lose more than £2 million.

To read the full story visit the Independent website.