The All-Party Parliamentary Group on Dementia (APPG)
The All-Party Parliamentary Group on Dementia (APPG) is holding an inquiry into dementia and disability.
What is the APPG?
among parliamentarians and influence policy making in order to improve the lives of people with dementia and their carers.
The APPG on Dementia is currently holding an inquiry into dementia and disability. It is looking at what people think about dementia as a disability, what barriers people affected by dementia face in society and what can be done to make sure people with dementia are treated equally. The APPG launched a written call for evidence to gather people’s thoughts on this topic, which received a record number of responses.
Gathering evidence about dementia and disability
Last month saw the oral evidence session for the inquiry. Both the written and oral evidence are currently being analysed and will feed into a report due to be published next year.
To find out more about the APPG visit the Alzheimer’s Society website.