Planning for your Long Term Care
On Tuesday 10th April 2014 Pauline Herring the owner of Everycare Central Surrey was invited to speak at two “End of Life” planning seminars which took place at Clandon Wood, Natural Burial Site in Guildford.
People from all walks of life were invited to listen to more than a dozen experts who would show them how easy it could be to plan for their future long-term care. As a speaker, Pauline talked about domiciliary care and the advantages for people who wanted to remain in their own homes whilst also comparing costs with care homes. Other speakers spoke about investments, wills, funerals etc.
It was a successful and informative day for all concerned with over 60 attendees who were all able to talk and ask questions in a non-formal or pressurised way in the beautiful setting of Clandon Wood.